
Chat wrap: Eamonn Brennan

This afternoon, I sat down at my computer (OK, I do that pretty much every afternoon, and every other minute of every other waking day) for a SportsNation chat. It's over now, but you can read the transcript right here. A sample: RMJ=Hero (Raleigh, NC): Why do you hate [insert team here]? They're going to be really good next year with [new coaches name here]. He's shown he's already committed to the job by bringing in [mediocre recruit] right? They're at least a top-25 team!

Source: http://espn.go.com/blog/collegebasketballnation/post/_/id/58841/chat-wrap-eamonn-brennan-2

Orlando Magic Milwaukee Bucks Toronto Raptors Rajon Rondo Greg Biffle David Gilliland

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